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🤖 AI, artificial intelligence, AGI, or Apple Intelligence this week…

Cyril 1 min de lecture
Photo by Steve Johnson / Unsplash
Photo by Steve Johnson / Unsplash

What do you do when it took months after ChatGPT’s official release announcement and media coverage before you actually used it for the first time? ⏱️

What do you do when your first prompt to ChatGPT explicitly asked about its carbon impact, Scope 3 included, and whether OpenAI is indeed compliant with the Paris agreements? 🌱

What do you do when you wanted to leave tech. to become a beekeeper 🐝 in 2013 and you came back to it out of passion and to try to bring your vision to it? 🧑🏻‍💻

What do you do when you believe much more in extending the lifespan of terminals and servers and reusing and recycling them than in programmed obsolescence or deleting your emails? ♻️

What can you do if you believe in the French 🇫🇷 and European 🇪🇺 tech ecosystem and its ability to offer digital solutions that respect the GDPR and its values?

What do you do when you defend data sovereignty, i.e. the ability of organisations to protect their data and act independently? 🔐

What do you do when you believe in open-source and collective intelligence? 🧠

What can you do if you work with code, systems, networks and cybersecurity? 🧑🏻‍🎨

Like a craftsman, you build 🧱

Stay tuned!

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